sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

finally a follower

my new follower is lucca not know who he is but I'm 95% sure that he is the first of many hopefully lucca din know who you are. is a school friend you enough time during a time he was a good friend more then lost touch, bad as my cousin likes his sister's turn to speak to us but very little, but it does not matter because I now have at least one follower but please follow me

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

broked computer

today i have   bring my laptop to school, but this lap top is that he did not cry then turn onso I was furious when he did not care. I was angry because I think I'll lose points for isso.mas now I'm not calling for My friend and I are disassembling it and what goes tentensover

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011


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amazonia is practically the lungs of our world if we take care of it and not waver over the rational consumption of energy we will have it for a long time, thus facilitating the survival of several species of animals and the survival of our future generations


  hello this is my first post and I am keen for us to know